7 Ways Dogs Show Love

The site "Vet Street", specialized in providing care advice to pets, has provided 7 signs for you to recognize the different expressions that the dog uses to express his love for you:

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

1- Eye contact

It is known that eye contact expresses communication with others and concern for them, but for dogs, eye contact has a different language, so if your dog closes his eyes together, this means that he is in a bad condition and tends to be violent, but if he constantly stares at someone, this means love for that person, and he is his favorite.

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

2- Positive interaction with your voice

Your distinctive voice for him makes him leave everything he does, whether he is playing or even if he is far from you, as soon as he hears your voice calling his name, it makes him the happiest dog at that time.

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

3- He loves your scent

The Neuroscientist Gregory Berns placed a number of dogs under magnetic resonance imaging, to test the brain and visualize it while inhaling the scents of different people. The results of the study confirmed that the only smell that drives the dog to move his tail as a kind of happiness and reassurance is the smell of its owner.

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

4- Moves his tail

it is One of the most common movements that many believe is indicative of a dog's happiness, but the truth is more complicated because when the dog moves its tail does not always indicate his happiness, there are movements that the dog makes with his body to confirm the opposite, like If the dog moves his body completely with his tail raised This indicates that he is happy to see you, but if he moves his tail to the right side, that indicates his love for you.

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

5- He approaches you

There is no evidence between the relationship of the dog's approach and embracing you and considering it a sign of his love for you, but these actions lead to the owner's feeling of love and loyalty to the dog.

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

6- Yes, the dog smiles

A dog's smile means a lot, but his comfortable smile and prominent teeth will assure you of his happiness and contentment with you.

7 Ways Dogs Show Love

7- Gets Happy When You Get Home

Does your dog jump up and down, lick your hands and face, bring you its favorite toy, or even "excited pee" a little bit when you get home from work, school, or errands? Yep, it's absolutely thrilled to see you! And, chances are, you're very excited to see your pup, too.

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