5 Signs Your Cat Missed You

It's all too easy to imbue our pets with human emotions. Of course, we miss them when we go on holiday for a long time. Is it, however, a reciprocal feeling? Do our cats ever notice that we aren't around? Cat conduct is difficult to decipher, but that doesn't stop us from attempting to do so.

According to research, experts are divided on the subject. Some studies have found that cats do experience separation anxiety, while others have found the opposite.

According to a 2015 study conducted at the University of Lincoln, cats do not require humans to feel safe in the same way that dogs do. According to the study, while cats are still affectionate animals capable of developing deep human-pet relationships, they are ultimately autonomous creatures. In short, cats do not need humans to survive. And they are well aware of this.

This isn't to say you don't have a special relationship with your cat. Cats are affectionate creatures, but their need for human attention varies. Some cats prefer to be alone, while others prefer to be with their human family all the time.

Some experts, however, disagree with the Lincoln study. Separation anxiety affects cats, according to Tim Link, animal expert and President of Wagging Tails. They, like dogs, are concerned when we leave the house and want assurance that we will return at the specified period.

Tim Link also confirms that all cats are unique, and some will cope with separation better than others.

“Cats exist along a continuum from very aloof and unattached to very interactive and demanding,” Dr. Elizabeth Stelow, Chief of Animal Behavior Services at the University of California, Davis, told The Dodo. Is there a region on that spectrum that represents true attachment? The million-dollar question.”

As a result, the verdict is still out. Whether or not your cat misses you in the same way that a dog does, she still craves your love and attention.

Signs that your cat missed you

Feline behavior is enigmatic. While a dog's behavior will clearly indicate how he is feeling, a cat's approach is a little more subtle.

So, what evidence should you look for if you suspect your cat is stressed when you leave? Here are some clear signs that your cat has missed you.

1. Extra purring and stretching when you get home.

A study published in the Public Library of Science (PLOS) looked at how cats behaved when they were left for 30 minutes versus several hours. When cats were left alone for a longer period of time, they reacted by purring and stretching more when they were reunited with their owners. According to the research, this affectionate behavior indicates that your cat is content when you return home.

2. An intense desire for affection upon your return

Pay attention because a cat's expression of affection is more subtle than a dog's. If your cat is always by your side, following you from room to room and rubbing up against your legs, it's his way of saying, "I love you, I missed you, pay attention to me!"

3. Anger or stress when you return

Have you noticed a change in your cat's demeanor or attitude? Perhaps she isn't as nice as she used to be, or she has developed clingy tendencies and a crying habit. Some people believe that these negative reactions are caused by feline separation anxiety.

4. Negative behavior

A stressed-out kitty can develop a bad habit of getting into things, particularly if she is bored. While you're gone, some lonely cats will make a mess, and an anxious cat may even urinate outside of her litter box.

5. Physical ailment

In some extreme cases, people have reported that their cat became physically ill as a result of their absence. Even when a familiar person came to check on their cat, the behavior persisted, implying that the cat specifically missed her owner.

How to Fix Separation Anxiety in Your Cat

Of course, becoming a hermit in your own home is out of the question. You'll need to teach your cat how to cope with being alone. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

1. Toys and more toys.

Make sure your cat has plenty of interactive toys, scratching posts, and puzzle feeders. It's also a good idea to add cat trees and perches to his environment so he can spend his time bird-watching.

2. Creature Amenities. 

Fill your cat's food dish, refill his water, and clean out his litter box before you leave. These minor adjustments will make your cat more comfortable and content to be alone for an extended period of time.

3. Employ a Cat-Sitter. 

You can break up your cat's day by having someone you trust to come by and check on her. It is always possible to hire a professional cat sitter. Your sitter will be able to refill food and water bowls, scoop kitty litter, and interact with your cat.

4. Maintain a Routine. 

Because changing your cat's routine can be confusing and frightening, try to keep your schedule as predictable as possible. If you're constantly coming and going at different times throughout the day, your cat may be concerned about your return.

Cats are certainly enigmas. We can't get inside their adorable feline heads, so we'll never know how they perceive the world. But, in the end, that is one of the qualities we admire in them.

This simple fact remains: whether your cat is attached to you like glue or appears unaffected by your comings and goings, you know the two of you share a special bond.

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