is cat hair harmful and dangerous?

Allergens from cats can enter the human body through breathing or through the eyes, causing sneezing, coughing, runny nose, redness in the eyes, or a rash, and allergies develop when the immune system responds, and it must be clarified that there are some people who think that the allergy is The result of cat hair, but this is not true, but the problem of allergies lies in the substances sticking to the cat’s hair or in the dead skin cells of cats, their urine or saliva, and people who are allergic to other substances are more susceptible to allergies to cats, and some people may be more sensitive. Against pet dander

does cat hair cause any disease?

Cat hair in itself does not cause diseases as some belief, but it causes sensitivity to some people who are allergic to cats, and it is a fast vector for diseases that affect cats, and here we mention some diseases that cat hair transmits to humans by contacting it:

Herpes disease: It is a disease carried by about forty percent of cats, and it is one of the most common diseases that are transmitted to humans, as it causes red rings to appear on human skin, or causes annoying itching that increases little by little.

Conjunctivitis: It causes redness in the eyes and the discharge of some purulent secretions from them, and it is an easy-to-treat disease in either cats or humans. Where it is treated with eye drops and ointments, and to prevent this disease, it is recommended to wash hands well with sterile soap and water after touching cats, and not to allow cats to move around and wander around the house, and to climb on the bed, especially if they are infected.

Sore throat and tonsils: This disease is caused by what is known as the streptococcus microbe that causes infections. Its treatment is by using antibiotics. As for prevention, it is by not allowing cats to put their mouths on human food and drink.

Intestinal flu: which is caused by salmonella and campylobacter microbes carried by some cats, which may be transmitted to humans, and these microbes cause diarrhea and vomiting, and to prevent them, gloves must be worn when cleaning cats and wash hands well with sterile soap and water after playing with them, and keep cats away from every place where is human food.

Toxoplasma: which is considered a single-celled organism, and it affects cats if they eat meat that is not cooked well, or if they eat the meat of infected prey, infected cats excrete eggs with their feces for at least two weeks, and these eggs cause infection to humans, which may be carried by the fallen hair from cats, Beware of any falling hair and clean it with appliances, not hands.

is cat hair bad for the lungs?

it does not only cause an itchy eye or a runny nose, cat dander can be harmful to your respiratory system, According to the American Lung Association this can “lead to a decline in the ability of the lungs to function.” but most likely cat hair will stop at your larynx/pharynx and be swallowed.  

is cat hair bad for babies?

The cat's hair may reach the respiratory system through the mouth of the baby due to direct and long interaction with cats and sleeping next to them, It may cause the baby to have chest allergy, and the incidence of this disease varies from one child to another according to his health condition and his predisposition to the disease.

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