cat eyesight problems

Cats have incredible eyesight that enables them to see inside and outside with complete clarity throughout different times of the day,  including times of extreme darkness .however, there are many injuries and diseases that can affect greatly the cat's eye,  and they may even cause them full blindness. If blindness is diagnosed in its early stages, your cat will receive the necessary treatment and care to save her eyesight completely or at least partially, but if your cat is already blinded, then you must help her to make her life as easy as possible. Pay attention to any behavioral or physical changes in your cat that may indicate that she is beginning to lose her eyesight or she is becoming blind little by little so that you will be able to provide the necessary assistance and care.

Look for any behavioral changes

cat eyesight problems

1.Pay attention if they get lost too much.
  Watch your cat and see how she deals with the furniture in the house and if she makes the mistake of jumping on the sofa, for example, to fall on the floor again. also, note if she collides with the walls and the furniture that she used to walk between beforehand without any problem. Fluttering a cat in places where she spends a lot of time is a sign that her eyesight is poor or lost completely.
moreover, be aware of your cat stumbles on stairs or falls to the ground when trying to jump onto her favorite spot.
Notice if your cat is having trouble handling other familiar objects, such as finding her food container or water.

cat eyesight problems

2.Watch your cat's gait.
  Watch the way your catwalks, and check if it bends toward the ground as it walks, as this could be a signal that it is feeling its way using its nose and whiskers. Also notice if she walks with her head down, or keeps moving her head up and down to explore the distances around.
Also, notice if she wanders around aimlessly.

cat eyesight problems

3.Listen to your cat.
  Is your cat making more sounds than usual? When the cat's vision weakens or loses it completely, then it may become more disturbing and resort to making many sounds to relieve its pressure and suffering. You may also notice her behavior becoming more nervous,  fearful, or upset as part of her adjustment phase losing her eyesight.
You may also notice that she is more easily spooked than usual.

4.Notice if your cat becomes more needy and clingy to you.
  Look for any signs that your cat's confidence and pride is less than usual, and see for example if she clings to you more than before, or spends more time with you. Also, pay attention to whether she sleeps more than usual or is less mobile and active in general than she is.

Notice any changes in her eyes

cat eyesight problems

1.Check your cat's pupil eyes.
  If you suspect your cat has gone blind or is losing her eyesight, check her pupils. Notice if her pupils remain constant at the same size, whether they are exposed to bright or low light, or if they are different in size from each other, as these are two signs of the cat losing her vision or beginning to do so.
Also, notice whether your cat narrows her eyelids according to changes in lighting, or if she is not producing any response.

cat eyesight problems

2. Check her eye color.
  Notice if there is any change in the color of her eyes and also look for any redness in them, or if they are slightly white, cloudy, or start to turn completely white.
Look for any excess redness in the tissue around the eye, and don't worry if it is a light pink, this is normal.
If the lenses of her eyes are dark or cloudy, this may be a sign that she has cataracts.

cat eyesight problems

3.Test her reaction when threatening her eyes.
  Swiftly move your finger toward her eyes without touching her cornea. If the cat is sighted, she will blink her eyes or head back quickly, but the blind cat will not notice the presence of your finger in the first place. Do not go too close to your cat's whiskers or move the air toward them with your finger movement, as she may feel it approaching her face.

cat eyesight problems

4- Throw a ball of strings in front of it.
  Note whether she will track the fall of the ball with her eyes, as most healthy cats watch the ball as it falls, but if your cat is blind, she will not show any reaction while the ball is falling in front of her. Don't go too close to your cat's whiskers as she will sense the ball's presence over them.

cat eyesight problems

5 Check the size of her eyes to check for the possibility of glaucoma.
  If one of her eyes is larger than the other, take your cat to the vet immediately, as this could be a sign that she has glaucoma. This does not necessarily mean that your cat will be blind, but this disease is enough to lose her vision if neglected without treatment.
One or both of her eyes might look cloudy, too.

Take care of your blind cat

cat eyesight problems

1.Take your cat to the vet.
  Take your cat to the vet if you suspect she is blind or is beginning to lose her eyesight, and tell him all your doubts, fears, and all the symptoms you have noticed on your cat. Take your cat to the vet as soon as possible, as early initiation of treatment may be vital to prevent complete loss of vision, or to diagnose and stop a serious illness that may be behind these symptoms.
Blindness itself may be a symptom of another serious illness, such as high blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause strokes, seizures, and convulsions, so it is important to treat it early.

cat eyesight problems

2.Keep things consistent throughout the house as much as possible.
  Minimize any changes to the cat's environment as much as possible, as this will help her cope with losing her vision. Do not move her food containers, water, and litter boxes around until it is easy for her to find them.
Lower furniture or place steps or items that help the cat climb onto the foundation (for example, place a sloping plank to the slope between the floor and her favorite sofa).
Keep the ground clear of scattered objects as much as possible to make it easier for your cat to wander around the house.

cat eyesight problems

3.Watch your cat well when you leave the house.
  Keep an eye on the cat in case you take it outside and make sure to keep it in a closed place, or do not take it out of the house in the first place if you are not able to do so. Close windows and doors to the house to keep them inside, and block any small pet doors with wooden boards.

cat eyesight problems

4 Buy your cat identification.
  Implant an electronic chip in your cat to facilitate its retrieval in case you leave the house (this is a small chip on which your data is recorded in the event that the cat wanders and someone finds it so that he can scan that chip with the necessary device and communicate with you), and put a collar on it with a sheet of the necessary data and notice that it is blind or weak Eyesight.

cat eyesight problems

5 Avoid scaring your cat.
  Do not make any loud or sudden noises near her or frighten her in any way, and make sure as much as possible to remain calm around her to keep her calm. Also, warn your family members (especially children) or visitors who enter the house not to make loud noises or do anything that might freak the cat.

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